TS3 at the Timber Construction Day Biel 2024

23. Apr 2024

On May 2, 2024, the 17th Timber Construction Day Biel invites architects, engineers, contractors and builders to an inspiring industry get-together. TS3 will be there with stand 51 and present innovations in timber construction.

The trade exhibition brings together over 50 exhibitors from the industry, including TS3 with stand 51. The event begins with a discussion on the major issues currently affecting the timber construction industry. The focus will then be on promoting innovative collaborations, followed by an exchange on specific topics. In the afternoon, the "Young minds, great concepts" competition will take place, giving interdisciplinary teams the opportunity to present their innovative projects. There will also be three workshops on various topics such as earthquake-resistant construction with wood, recyclable construction and the planning and implementation process.

The event offers a unique opportunity for exchange and networking in the timber construction industry. Further information and the complete program can be found here.

Holzbautag Biel 2024

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